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 Vefeer India Political Management consultants specialize in strategic Political Communication, Constituency Profiling and Management, Campaign Management, Digital Media Management and Content Placement strategy, Polling & Political Data Analysis. Our business arena is focused mainly around the Study, Creation and Implementation of strategies designed to optimize your political actions and outcomes to make your objectives a reality. With politics as our heart-calling, our team of expert consultants have worked with companies, causes, campaigns, candidates and parties in India and other Asian Countries.experts from different areas including: Strategists, Researchers & Content Developers, Communicators, Design & Creative thinkers, Audio-Visual Production, Media personnel, Event managers, Socio-Politco-Economic Analysts and Logistic managers. We are made up of people from the leading management and technical institutions like IIMs, IITs and VTU and we take pride in the diversity of thought and culture that we bring to the table. With this robust team in place, we have successfully involved in elections across India for more than 18 years.

Constituency Profiling

The secret and perhaps the success of your campaign hinges upon knowing your electorate better, the ongoing trends along with the issues, identifying

Opinion Polls

A neutral, un-biased Opinion Poll is a very important tool to gauge the mood of your voters, if elections were to happen today. The Swing in the mood of the

Campaign Management

Campaigning is the most important phase and effectively managing it becomes all the more crucial which

Manifesto Creation

A successful manifesto creation is all about hearing to the needs of your electorate, 

Digital Marketing

The truth of the matter is, the world is going digital. And it is imperative for you

Election Monitoring

In the connected world we live in, elections in one state cannot be treated in isolation from elections in another state. Likewise, elections in the 3-tier

Brand Building

Brand Building or image makeover is all about re-discovering the overall purpose

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